• Prof. Dr.
    • Sonja Hohloch
    • University of Antwerp
    • Integrable systems

Symmetries and Singularities in Dynamics

Many objects have natural symmetries and/or move in a symmetric way like a rotating ball or a spinning top. Mathematically, such situations are usually described by a system of differential equations with preserved quantities. If such a system has a maximal number of independent, preserved quantities, it is often referred to as an integrable system. In this talk, we explain in an intuitive way how far such systems in low dimensions can be characterized and classified by geometric visualization and how drastic the dynamics change in the presence of singularities.


Sonja Hohloch obtained her PhD in 2008 in Leipzig/Germany and then spent her postdoc years mainly at MSRI Berkeley, Stanford, IAS Princeton, and EPFL. She is now a full professor in Antwerp/Belgium and head of a large research team of PhD students and postdocs financed by various grants, among others two big Excellence of Science (EoS) projects. For the period 2023-2026, she was awarded the Francqui Research Professorship. Since January 2024, she is vice-president of the Belgian Mathematical Society (BMS). Sonja Hohloch's areas of research are dynamical systems, symplectic geometry, and related topics.